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Factores advectivos en el clima de la Puna Argentina

Prohaska, Federico J.
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina) - mail al autorEnviar un email al autor

Publicado en el 1962 en Boletín de Estudios Geográficos, No. 35
Idioma: Español


Advective factors in tbe climate o f tbe argentine Altiplano. The dimate of the argentine Altiplano, predominantly autoctonous, is modified in its northeastern part by the advection of air-masses of tropical origin during the summer season, caused by the general atmospheric circulation. The mean wind direction is Northeast during the summer months (Nov.-March) and west and south in winter. In both seasons the gradient wind has approximately the same direction as the local thermal wind system, from the plains towards the mountains in summer and the other way round in winter. This advection introduces tropical characteristics in the typical subtropical climate of the frontier — zone between Bolivia and Argentina of the Altiplano as exemplified by the observations of the Geophysical Observatory of La Quiaca (22’06’S; 65”36’W ; 3.-Í60 m) : high atmospheric humidity, low clouds, precipitations, inestability of the air-masses and thunderstorms; all these meteorological elements are influencing the radiation balance of short and Iong wave lengths and thereby also the temperature and its variation (aperiodic, periodic, interdiurnal, etc.). This transpon of air-masses from the tropical zones to the Cordillera produces a great uniformity in the climatic conditions on the entire eastern slope of the Andes, from Perú to the extrem north of Argentine during the summertime.



Cómo citar este artículo:

Prohaska, Federico J. (1962) "Factores advectivos en el clima de la Puna Argentina: ". En: Boletín de Estudios Geográficos, No. 35, p. 43-86.
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Fecha de consulta del artículo: 03/07/24.

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